Better for the planet

What if your refreshment could also refresh the planet?

Water scarcity and climate change, are urgent threats. Traditional agriculture and practices in the soft drinks industry is increasingly unsustainable. Vast amounts of water are used, depleting water reserves, creating a food and water crisis. The need for innovative, sustainable solutions is more pressing than ever.

Water scarcity and climate change

Only 1% of global water is available for human use and a staggering 70% of global freshwater is consumed by agriculture. Currently arid zones represent 44% of the worlds surface. Where high temperatures, high solar radiation and drought imposibilitate the survival of the majority of crops.

It's only getting worse, in today's world we increasingly face climate change, creating droughts and water scarcity. While population continues to increase, creating more than ever we need to find modern agricultural solutions.


The worlds most resilient crop

At Pure Kaktai we take sustainability to a new level, by using the prickly pear cactus, the world's most drought resistant and water efficient crop.

Grows where no other crops can, without irrigation or fertilisers. On average needs over 80% less water than other crops.

In addition, we are actively working to transfrom desserts into thriving ecosystems, by doing so we capture CO2 and create a sustainable living for communities in need.

Contributing to water scarcity, climate change and food scarcity.

You drink, They drink

2.4 billion people lack access to clean water and sanitation.

Not only do we source natures best, but a minimum of 10% of our profit goes towards building wells in developing countries.

With each bottle you contribute to someone in need having access to clean water.



Coming in 2025...


Well building

Coming in 2025...

Plantation + Well building
Coming 2025...